Executive Assistant (part-time, remote)

Apply Here: https://forms.gle/7ooy8s4r7qqnrdzg8


$5 USD / hour

Starting at 2 hours per weekday, with potential to increase hours -

$50 / week or $200 / month, paid to your bank account at the exchange rate from Google, ie. - https://www.google.com/search?q=usd+to+cop 

Company Description:

At NeuEve we are a small, family business and we manufacture and sell natural remedies for women. 

We care passionately about helping people and contributing to society.

Job Overview:

We are looking for a remote worker to spend about two hours per weekday helping to organize, and create and maintain order and structure. Organizing Kevin's calendar, helping him prioritize tasks. Success means helping Kevin to be more effective. You would have a huge impact on Kevin's life, and you would have lots of potential for growth in responsibilities.

Reports To:

The executive assistant will report to cofounder Kevin Tao

Responsibilities and Duties:

  • Organize Kevin's calendar of events, meetings
  • Organize Kevin's daily to-do list, the night before
  • Help keep track of people Kevin needs to follow up with
  • Help him with tracking phone calls he needs to make
  • Organizing documents
  • Organizing regular meetings between the cofounders and other teammates


- Strong English Skills
- Enjoys starting with chaos and then creating and maintaining structure and order. For your own sake, you should be among the top 5% of people who enjoys maintaining structure and order.
- Smart
- On-time, organized, stable
- Enjoys holding others accountable and focused
- Ability to learn new systems on the computer

Tools Needed:

Computer, cell phone and internet connection

Potential for Growth and Other Benefits:

This job is as an independent contractor. You are going to start with a 3 month probation period. Depending on your performance, responsibilities will increase.
I believe in investing in my workers, to improve their skills and education.

Referral Bonus:

If you can think of someone who would be perfect, I am paying $100 to whoever refers a candidate I hire.